
Strawberry provides support for Channels with Consumers to provide GraphQL support over WebSockets and HTTP.


While Channels does require Django to be installed as a dependency, you can actually run this integration without using Django's request handler. However, the most common use case will be to run a normal Django project with GraphQL subscriptions support, typically taking advantage of the Channel Layers functionality which is exposed through the Strawberry integration.


Getting Started


Make sure you have read the following Channels documentation:

If you have read the Channels documentation, You should know by now that:

  1. ASGI application is a callable that can handle multiple send / receive operations without the need of a new application instance.
  2. Channels is all about making ASGI applications instances (whether in another processes or in another machine) talk to each other seamlessly.
  3. A scope is a single connection represented by a dict, whether it would be a websocket or an HTTP request or another protocol.
  4. A Consumer is an ASGI application abstraction that helps to handle a single scope.


Before using Strawberry's Channels support, make sure you install all the required dependencies by running:

pip install 'strawberry-graphql[channels]'



The following example will pick up where the Channels tutorials left off.

By the end of This tutorial, You will have a graphql chat subscription that will be able to talk with the channels chat consumer from the tutorial.

Types setup

First, let's create some Strawberry-types for the chat.

# mysite/gqlchat/
class ChatRoom:
room_name: str
class ChatRoomMessage:
room_name: str
current_user: str
message: str

Channel Layers

The Context for Channels integration includes the consumer, which has an instance of the channel layer and the consumer's channel name. This tutorial is an example of how this can be used in the schema to provide subscriptions to events generated by background tasks or the web server. Even if these are executed in other threads, processes, or even other servers, if you are using a Layer backend like Redis or RabbitMQ you should receive the events.

To set this up, you'll need to make sure Channel Layers is configured as per the documentation.

Then you'll want to add a subscription that accesses the channel layer and joins one or more broadcast groups.

Since listening for events and passing them along to the client is a common use case, the base consumer provides a high level API for that using a generator pattern, as we will see below.

The chat subscription

Now we will create the chat subscription.

# mysite/gqlchat/
class Subscription:
async def join_chat_rooms(
info: Info,
rooms: List[ChatRoom],
user: str,
) -> AsyncGenerator[ChatRoomMessage, None]:
"""Join and subscribe to message sent to the given rooms."""
ws =
channel_layer = ws.channel_layer
room_ids = [f"chat_{room.room_name}" for room in rooms]
for room in room_ids:
# Join room group
await channel_layer.group_add(room, ws.channel_name)
for room in room_ids:
await channel_layer.group_send(
"type": "chat.message",
"room_id": room,
"message": f"process: {os.getpid()} thread: {threading.current_thread().name}"
f" -> Hello my name is {user}!",
async for message in ws.channel_listen("chat.message", groups=room_ids):
yield ChatRoomMessage(

Explanation: or Info.context.request is a pointer to the ChannelsConsumer instance. Here we have first sent a message to all the channel_layer groups (specified in the subscription argument rooms) that we have joined the chat.

📝 Note

We do not need to call await channel_layer.group_add(room, ws.channel_name) If we don't want to send an initial message while instantiating the subscription. It is handled by ws.channel_listen.

Chat message mutation

If you noticed, the subscription client can't send a message willingly. You will have to create a mutation for sending messages via the channel_layer

# mysite/gqlchat/
class Mutation:
async def send_chat_message(
info: Info,
room: ChatRoom,
message: str,
) -> None:
ws =
channel_layer = ws.channel_layer
await channel_layer.group_send(
"type": "chat.message",
"room_id": room.room_name,
"message": message,

Creating the consumers

All we did so far is useless without creating an asgi consumer for our schema. The easiest way to do that is to use the GraphQLProtocolTypeRouter which will wrap your Django application, and route HTTP and websockets for "/graphql" to Strawberry, while sending all other requests to Django. You'll need to modify the file from the Channels instructions to look something like this:

import os
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
from strawberry.channels import GraphQLProtocolTypeRouter
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'mysite.settings')
django_asgi_app = get_asgi_application()
# Import your Strawberry schema after creating the django ASGI application
# This ensures django.setup() has been called before any ORM models are imported
# for the schema.
from mysite.graphql import schema
application = GraphQLProtocolTypeRouter(

This approach is not very flexible, taking away some useful capabilities of Channels. For more complex deployments, i.e you want to integrate several ASGI applications on different URLs and protocols, like what is described in the Channels documentation. You will probably craft your own ProtocolTypeRouter.

An example of this (continuing from channels tutorial) would be:

import os
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
from django.urls import re_path
from strawberry.channels import GraphQLHTTPConsumer, GraphQLWSConsumer
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "berry.settings")
django_asgi_app = get_asgi_application()
# Import your Strawberry schema after creating the django ASGI application
# This ensures django.setup() has been called before any ORM models are imported
# for the schema.
from chat import routing
from mysite.graphql import schema
websocket_urlpatterns = routing.websocket_urlpatterns + [
re_path(r"graphql", GraphQLWSConsumer.as_asgi(schema=schema)),
gql_http_consumer = AuthMiddlewareStack(GraphQLHTTPConsumer.as_asgi(schema=schema))
gql_ws_consumer = GraphQLWSConsumer.as_asgi(schema=schema)
application = ProtocolTypeRouter(
"http": URLRouter(
re_path("^graphql", gql_http_consumer),
"^", django_asgi_app
), # This might be another endpoint in your app
"websocket": AuthMiddlewareStack(URLRouter(websocket_urlpatterns)),

This example demonstrates some ways that Channels can be set up to handle routing. A very common scenario will be that you want user and session information inside the GraphQL context, which the AuthMiddlewareStack wrapper above will provide. It might be apparent by now, there's no reason at all why you couldn't run a Channels server without any Django ASGI application at all. However, take care to ensure you run django.setup() instead of get_asgi_application(), if you need any Django ORM or other Django features in Strawberry.

Running our example

First run your asgi application (The ProtocolTypeRouter) using your asgi server. If you are coming from the channels tutorial, there is no difference. Then open three different tabs on your browser and go to the following URLs:

  1. localhost:8000/graphql
  2. localhost:8000/graphql
  3. localhost:8000/chat

If you want, you can run 3 different instances of your application with different ports it should work the same!

On tab #1 start the subscription:

subscription SubscribeToChatRooms {
rooms: [{ roomName: "room1" }, { roomName: "room2" }]
user: "foo"
) {

On tab #2 we will run sendChatMessage mutation:

mutation echo {
sendChatMessage(message: "hello room 1", room: { roomName: "room1" })

On tab #3 we will join the room you subscribed to ("room1") and start chatting. Before we do that there is a slight change we need to make in the ChatConsumer you created with channels in order to make it compatible with our ChatRoomMessage type.

# Send message to room group
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
"type": "chat.message",
"room_id": self.room_group_name, # <<< here is the change
"message": f"process is {os.getpid()}, Thread is {threading.current_thread().name}"
f" -> {message}",

Look here for some more complete examples:

  1. The Strawberry Examples repo contains a basic example app demonstrating subscriptions with Channels.



To test our chat app we can use the Channels ApplicationCommunicator. Here is an example based on the tutorial above: Make sure you have pytest-async installed

from channels.testing import WebsocketCommunicator
import pytest
from strawberry.channels import GraphQLWSConsumer
from strawberry.subscriptions import GRAPHQL_WS_PROTOCOL
from strawberry.subscriptions.protocols.graphql_ws import (
from mysite.graphql import schema
class DebuggableGraphQLWSConsumer(GraphQLWSConsumer):
async def get_context(self, *args, **kwargs) -> object:
context = await super().get_context(*args, **kwargs)
context.tasks = self._handler.tasks
context.connectionInitTimeoutTask = None
return context
async def ws():
client = WebsocketCommunicator(
schema=schema, subscription_protocols=(GRAPHQL_WS_PROTOCOL,)
res = await client.connect()
assert res == (True, GRAPHQL_WS_PROTOCOL)
yield client
await client.disconnect()
chat_subscription_query = """ subscription fooChat { joinChatRooms( rooms: [{ roomName: "room1" }, { roomName: "room2" }] user: "foo"){ roomName message currentUser } } """
async def test_joinChatRooms_sends_welcome_message(ws):
await ws.send_json_to({"type": GQL_CONNECTION_INIT})
await ws.send_json_to(
"type": GQL_START,
"id": "demo_consumer",
"payload": {"query": f"{chat_subscription_query}"},
response = await ws.receive_json_from()
assert response["type"] == GQL_CONNECTION_ACK
response = await ws.receive_json_from()
assert response["type"] == GQL_DATA
assert response["id"] == "demo_consumer"
data = response["payload"]["data"]["joinChatRooms"]
assert data["currentUser"] == "foo"
assert "room1" in data["roomName"]
assert "hello" in data["message"]

In order to test a real server connection we can use python gql client and channels ChannelsLiveServerTestCase.

📝 Note

This example is based on the extended ChannelsLiveServerTestCase class from channels tutorial part 4. You cannot run this test with a pytest session.

Add this test in your ChannelsLiveServerTestCase extended class:

from gql import Client, gql
from gql.transport.websockets import WebsocketsTransport
def test_send_message_via_channels_chat_joinChatRooms_recieves(self):
transport = WebsocketsTransport(url=self.live_server_ws_url + "/graphql")
client = Client(
query = gql(chat_subscription_query)
for index, result in enumerate(client.subscribe(query)):
if index == 0 or 1:
# because we subscribed to 2 rooms we received two welcome messages.
elif index == 2:
assert "hello from web browser" in result["joinChatRooms"]["message"]
self._post_message("hello from web browser")




A helper for creating a common strawberry-django ProtocolTypeRouter Implementation.

Example usage:

from strawberry.channels import GraphQLProtocolTypeRouter from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application django_asgi = get_asgi_application() from myapi import schema application = GraphQLProtocolTypeRouter( schema, django_application=django_asgi, )

This will route all requests to /graphql on either HTTP or websockets to us, and everything else to the Django application.


Strawberries extended AsyncConsumer.

**Every graphql session will have an instance of this class inside which is actually the info.context.request.**


  • ws.headers: dict returns a map of the headers from scope['headers'].
async def channel_listen(
type: str,
timeout: float | None = None,
groups: Sequence[str] | None = None
) -> AsyncGenerator
  • type - The type of the message to wait for, equivalent to scope['type']
  • timeout - An optional timeout to wait for each subsequent message.
  • groups - list of groups to yield messages from threw channel layer.

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