
Permissions can be managed using Permission classes. A Permission class extends BasePermission and has a has_permission method. It can be added to a field using the permission_classes keyword argument. A basic example looks like this:

import typing
import strawberry
from strawberry.permission import BasePermission
from strawberry.types import Info
class IsAuthenticated(BasePermission):
message = "User is not authenticated"
# This method can also be async!
def has_permission(self, source: typing.Any, info: Info, **kwargs) -> bool:
return False
class Query:
user: str = strawberry.field(permission_classes=[IsAuthenticated])

Your has_permission method should check if this request has permission to access the field. Note that the has_permission method can also be asynchronous.

If the has_permission method returns a truthy value then the field access will go ahead. Otherwise, an error will be raised using the message class attribute.

Take a look at our Dealing with Errors Guide for more information on how errors are handled.

"data": null,
"errors": [
"message": "User is not authenticated"

Accessing user information

Accessing the current user information to implement your permission checks depends on the web framework you are using.

Most frameworks will have a Request object where you can either access the current user directly or access headers/cookies/query parameters to authenticate the user.

All the Strawberry integrations provide this Request object in the info.context object that is accessible in every resolver and in the has_permission function.

You can find more details about a specific framework integration under the "Integrations" heading in the navigation.

In this example we are using starlette which uses the ASGI integration:

import typing
from myauth import authenticate_header, authenticate_query_param
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket
from strawberry.permission import BasePermission
from strawberry.types import Info
class IsAuthenticated(BasePermission):
message = "User is not authenticated"
def has_permission(self, source: typing.Any, info: Info, **kwargs) -> bool:
request: typing.Union[Request, WebSocket] = info.context["request"]
if "Authorization" in request.headers:
return authenticate_header(request)
if "auth" in request.query_params:
return authenticate_query_params(request)
return False

Here we retrieve the request object from the context provided by info. This object will be either a Request or Websocket instance from starlette (see: Request docs and Websocket docs).

In the next step we take either the Authorization header or the auth query parameter out of the request object, depending on which is available. We then pass those on to some authenticate methods we've implemented ourselves.

Beyond providing hooks, Authentication is not currently Strawberry's responsibility. You should provide your own helpers to figure out if a request has the permissions you expect.

For more discussion on Authentication see Issue #830.

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